Pre-enrollment requirements:
In an effort to ensure the health and safety of all
children, we must have on file before the first day
of preschool attendance, an up-to-date (within past
two years) physical record (on the gold Florida Form)
and a current immunization record (on the blue Florida
Form). As required by law, please have any out-of-state
records transferred onto the appropriate Florida forms.
For a nominal fee, most doctors/clinics transfer information
onto Florida forms.
Communicable Disease Policy:
Whenever an enrolled child has been diagnosed with a
contagious disease, parents must report the diagnosis
to the preschool office personnel. If your child has
been exposed to and/or diagnosed with chicken pox, fifth
disease, Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and/or any other typical
childhood diseases that may cause complications or could
put pregnant parents or weakened immune system parents
or children at risk, please inform us as soon as possible
so we may alert all parents by letter in a timely manner.
These confidential notices/letters inform enrolled families
of the exposure risk and describes the typical symptoms
of the disease.
Parents must keep children with
any of the following contagious symptoms at home:
*Exposed or open skin lesions
*Diarrhea (more than one abnormally loose stool)
*A fever of 101 or higher
*An unidentified rash
*Untreated lice
*Stiff neck
*Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
*Unusually dark urine and/or gray or white stool
*Yellowish skin or eyes
*Severe coughing (reddish face, bluish face, or whooping
*Difficult or rapid breathing
*Any other unusual sign or symptom of illness
During the preschool day, if an
enrolled child develops any of the contagious symptoms
listed above, we inform parents as soon as possible.
Since we do not have a nurse on staff, parents/guardians
must make immediate arrangements for student pick up.
In the meantime, we isolate any contagious preschoolers
from the other children in a safe and supervised area.